Been to the film titled "Arai En 305Il kadavul".
It's about people and God.
The protogonists undergo lot of difficulties.
They shout @ God and he does come.
There on,the story revolves around usual people but with God amongst them.
Aint gonna review the film in detail or discuss the techinicalities of it.
I'm impressed by the simple yet powerful message the movie conveys.
You will understand it with the single scene I describe.
It's the climax.
Unlike other movies,it's an eventless climax set in a T-stall.
Eventless it may be,
but if you really get the gist of it,you will have an eventful life.
God : Where's your mother? She is good singer. I like the way you to dance to your mom's song.
Vagabond : Mom's gone. She's gone to God. She was a victim of the recent religious riot.
Now that she's gone. I have to sing and my brother has to dance.
God : (sad) Take this money. Have some food.
Vagabond : No sir! I will not take this money without any work. If I do take it,
it's charity and not wage. Mom has told me never to accept charity.
God : Ok sing. Let me listen.
The boy starts singing and his younger brother dances to the tune.
Guess what the song is,"Kurai ondrum illai ..... kannaa........"
There ends the wonderful film.
What you infer from the above conversation depends on your perspective.
"Work,for the sake of work!
What you do defines what you are!"
Well,that's what I infered.
Am trying my best to stay true to the inference.
If aint true to it,I wont be writing this blog while taking my weekly scotch listening to some of my fav tracks.
Someone told me that writers had a big ego.
Going by the number of I's in the lines above,that someone is wrong.
Writers have the biggest ego.
Let me try not to be an egotist.
What was the most interesting encounter I had,involving someone else?
Been to the movie with Shreya.
I guess she's the reason why I find the film unsually enjoyable! ;)
She's modern yet conservative.
Independent yet obliging.
I love her company @ the movies.
At the movie,was out sipping coke in the interval.
There was this guy who put me in a real fix.
Take a look:
He took one look @ me and wanted a pic with me.
A pic with my shirt off.
He was persisting with the request for such a long time,I couldnt say no.
There's another gal whom I met this weekend whose face still lingers in my mind.
Was returning from SNEHA foundation's aniversary ceremony.
There was a traffic jam.
Was behind a car on my bullet.
Thru the car glass saw one of the most beautiful faces I've come across.
And she was looking @ me.
Signalling @ me.
Requesting me to move my bullet back.
I could only oblige.
Still remember the expression of gratitude on her face.
Would she be thinking about me @ this time?
Would I meet her again?
I dont know.
I dont care.
I enjoyed that moment and am happy that it happened.
If you have been reading this far,it could only mean one of two things.
You are either loving me(i.e if you are a gal) or wanna be my best friend(i.e if you a guy)!
Oh k lover,kisses.. till v meet again.
And my dear friend,good-bye ;)